You are Number

Thursday 11 July 2013

Why do we fall , Bruce ?

I remember watching Batman Begins when i was a kid. These words seemed hollow then. It was like one of the random one liners in a movie which had no meaning in life. It was never to be thought upon. It was never to be argued upon. It was never to be talked about again in my long life.

Now a 8 years down the line the word comes back to me. It knocks on the door of my mind which has a myriad of things to worry about. It faces me blankly requesting me to answer the question.

I try to ignore it. My mind does not want to answer questions. My mind wants to enjoy what it enjoys doing. Then again the question looks at me. It wants to be answered.

I look for an explanation. We fall so that we learn from the fall. We fall because we are human. We fall because its meant to be that way . We fall because falling makes us stronger.We fall so that we can rise. These answers cloud my mind. In the end the world isn't utopia. We have to fall. Shit does happen. We do things. We regret things. We wish we hadnt done things. But that is not the end. Life does move forward does it not ?.

The answer seems to be forming up in my mind when another question stares at me.

What do we do when we fall ? 

One, we fall down completely. We give up. We keep blaming and think that our sin is too big to be fought back at. We let the fall get our life and twist it into a dark hole. 

Then quotes from Rocky make their way into my mind.

Two, we get back up and move forward. We regard the fall as another element of life and how it treats us. This one is tough. This one is rare. We dont forget it but we use it.

My mind wants to give up. Too many thoughts for one night. 

I finally give into Thomas Wayne :

And why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up " 

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